What The Child Knows

The child knows no hate
The child knows no war
The child knows no religion
The child knows no church
The child knows no colour
The child knows no race
The child knows no country
The child knows no politics
The child knows no law
The child knows no culture
The child knows no history
The child knows no grudge
The child knows no sex
The child knows no master
The child knows only that it is
The child knows more than us

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Tree شجرة arbre staude arba
Hat قبعة chapeau hut ĉapelo
Bird طائر oiseau vogel birdo
Heart لب cœur herz koro
Hope أمل espoir hoffnung esperi
Love محبوب amour liebe amo
Peace سلام paix frieden paco
Child إنتاج enfant nachkomme ido
Play تمثيلية jeu spiel ludi
Trust إتفاق منتجين confiance vertrauen konfidi
Joy فرح joie freude ĝojeco
Give أعطى donner bestimmt donaci
Share قسمة part anteil dividi
Care حذر attention sorge prizorgo
Forgive سامح pardoner verziehen pardoni
God إله Dieu Götze Dio

Gun مدفع revolver kanone fusilo
Bomb قنبلة bombe bombe bombo
Knife شفرة السيف couteau messer tranĉilo
War حرب guerre krieg milito
Hate كراهية haine hass malami
Take صورة prise strechen preni
Break استراحة cassure bruch dividstreko
Kill حظر mise à mort abschuss mortigi
Shame خجل honte scham fi
Anger غضب colère ärger kolero
Blame لام faute schuld riproĉi
Fear خوف peur angst timi
Loss خسارة perte verlust perdo
Soul نفس روح âme seele animo
Devil شيطان Demon Teufel Diablo

Many tongues, many words, one meaning
Many cultures, many ways, one beginning
Many reasons, many excuses, one ending
Many people, many lands, one world
One creator, one destroyer, many hands

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